Small Modular Reactors (SMR's)

What are SMRs?

A Small Modular Reactor (SMR) is a type of nuclear reactor that promises several advantages over currently operating (large-scale) nuclear power plants. SMRs will be better suited for the production of, for example, hydrogen, process, and industrial heat. They can be deployed in remote areas for electricity generation. Depending on the location and associated infrastructure and consumer/end user, they can be deployed off-grid (i.e., outside the electricity grid). This is attractive for industrial areas located further inland where there is grid congestion.

The modular construction of a production unit could lead to potential cost savings. The term modular refers to several design aspects. An SMR is assembled based on modules (individually built components) that are produced in series in a factory. The premise is that this methodology can lead to lower construction costs. Additionally, the term modular is also used to refer to a multi-module installation: multiple small reactors are controlled from a single control room.

NRG: research into and knowledge of SMRs

In the field of SMRs, NRG|PALLAS conducts extensive research. Attention is given to safety and risk frameworks. More fundamental research is conducted on materials such as fuels, coolants, and reactor components. Various aspects of waste processing are studied, such as the separation of radioactive waste and the definition and identification of different waste streams/routes.

In 2024, the Ministry of EZK will establish an SMR program in collaboration with provinces and the supply industry. Provinces have shown interest in this development, including providing power to energy-intensive industrial areas. NRG|PALLAS has the expertise to assist provinces in researching the possibilities of SMRs.

SMR concepts

SMR concepts come in all shapes and sizes. The general definition is based on electrical power: an SMR typically has a power output of up to ~300 MWe. A subcategory within this includes reactor designs with outputs up to ~10 MWe, which are called microreactors (or micro-SMRs). For comparison, Borssele has a power output of 485 MWe, and a large-scale nuclear power plant typically has an output of over 1000 MWe on average.

Based on underlying technologies, SMRs can be divided into two categories: light water-cooled SMRs (Small Modular Light Water Reactors, SM-LWRs) and designs utilizing other coolants such as liquid metals, gases, and molten salts (Advanced Modular Reactors, AMRs).

SMRs are not yet commercially available in the market; many designs are still in the research and development stage. It is expected that the first SMRs in the West will be operational between 2025 and 2030, primarily in North America and the United Kingdom.

Nuclear Innovation Roadmap

SMR Market Analysis: Opportunities for the Netherlands

In 2023, NRG|PALLAS, commissioned by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy, conducted an SMR market analysis. Thirteen reactor concepts (including both SM-LWRs and AMRs) were examined. The aim was to gain a better understanding of the feasibility of SMRs in general and the resulting opportunities for the Netherlands in particular.

Aspects such as 'application and technology', 'integration and environment', 'planning and prerequisites', and 'organization and experience' were considered. The most suitable SMR designs for the Netherlands at present are the Rolls-Royce SMR and the GE-Hitachi BWRX-300, both light water-cooled designs. For these SM-LWR concepts, a timeline of approximately 7 years for the permitting process and construction is deemed realistic.

Review the market analysis
Small Modular Reactors

Overview of SMR Knowledge

In 2023, NRG|PALLAS compiled an overview of techniques and developments for SMRs. This overview provides insights into key aspects related to the operation, advancements, and realization of SMRs. The current status of several ongoing SMR projects is outlined, along with a specific focus on the situation in the Netherlands. Using various indicators, an assessment is made of the Netherlands' readiness to deploy SMRs. Additionally, relevant developments in the field of SMRs in the Netherlands are summarized.

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