17 March 2025
NRG Pallas has conducted a study on the potential share of the Dutch industry in the construction of two large nuclear power plants in the Netherlands.
The recent 'Supply Chain' study reveals significant opportunities for the Dutch industry, which could account for up to 43% of the total project scope. However, to achieve this percentage, action must be taken to remove barriers and stimulate interest.
The actual feasible share of the Dutch industry will also depend on the perception that the nuclear power plant supplier has of the Dutch industry and the willingness of the Dutch industry to participate.
Two key questions guided the study:
To answer these research questions, a breakdown of the scope and costs of the construction project was made. Subsequently, an assessment was conducted on the capabilities of the Dutch industry.
This led to two scenarios estimating the possible share of the Dutch industry:
a) Based on the current capabilities of the industry
b) Based on the potential capabilities if barriers are removed
To conduct this study properly, it was necessary to select a reference location and a specific technology. Borssele was chosen as the reference location, and the European Pressurized Reactor (UK EPR, Generation III) was selected as the reference technology due to the availability of public information.
This selection does not imply any preference for a specific design or location. For the construction of the first two new nuclear power plants, the Dutch government is currently considering two suppliers: Westinghouse (AP1000) and EDF (EPR1600).
For more information please contact
Bieke Oskam
Press Officer