17 November 2020
Nuclear Innovation Conference 2022
Experts and executives in Long Term Operation, New Build and Advanced reactors will come together to explore the promises, risks and common challenges of existing and future solutions. The aim of the Nuclear Innovation conference is to connect the different Nuclear Energy communities and to facilitate further cross-disciplinary collaborations.
What can you expect at the Nuclear Innovation Conference?
Day 1
Focus on the potential value of nuclear innovations and what is needed for the succesful development of nuclear energy as part of the energy transition. Amongst others, Kirsty Gogan and Rita Baranwal will present their view on nuclear development for society.
Day 2
In 2021 the NIC organized a series of webinars:
For more information please contact us
Nuclear Innovation Conference
Read more on the Nuclear Innovation Conference
Meet other key players in the Nuclear Energy Sector in Long Term Operation, New Build and Advanced reactors, during the Nuclear Innovation Conference 2022.