17 March 2022
NRG restarted the reactor in Petten today. At about 11.00 hours today, the power output of 45 MW was reached. "Within two weeks, the first medical isotopes for nuclear medicine will be delivered to hospitals," said Vinod Ramnandanlal (Commercial Director, NRG|PALLAS). "We are pleased that NRG can once again meet the global demand for medical isotopes." "This is extremely good news, medical isotopes are of enormous importance for many patients," said Andor Glaudemans, president of the Dutch Association for Nuclear Medicine (NVNG). Over 1.1 million patient doses will be produced over the next month, which will be used to diagnose and treat life-threatening diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular diseases.
The HFR did not start up on 20 January 2022 due to a leak in a water system for test facilities on the outside of the reactor core. NRG then started inspections and preparations to restore the system. This required NRG to modify the facility and submit an application for a permit modification to the ANVS. On March 9, the ANVS granted this modification permit. Because of the importance of patients, the ANVS decided to put the permit into effect immediately.
Last year, the High Flux Reactor celebrated its 60th anniversary. The reactor was commissioned in 1961 to develop nuclear technology for the energy supply. From the 1980s onwards, the reactor was increasingly used for the production of medical isotopes, particularly for diagnostic use. Today, more than 30,000 patients per day are treated with medical isotopes from the High Flux Reactor. This number is increasing particularly due to innovations in the field of therapeutic nuclear drugs for the treatment of various forms of cancer.
For more information please contact
Cora Blankendaal
Press Officer