09 December 2021
Hans Meeussen (NRG) has been appointed as part-time associated professor at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences of the TU Delft.
This appointment aims to intensify the collaboration between NRG and the TU Delft in education and research and is partly financed by the NRG PIONIER research programme.
Hans is an internationally recognized expert in modelling chemical and reactive transport processes. He has developed special software for this purpose and has (co-) authored more than 50 scientific papers on this subject.
Hans collaborates in Dutch, EU and US research programmes on geological waste disposal in which his software is used to predict the migration behavior of radio nuclides in concrete and (sub) soils. Furthermore, his expertise and software is used in a wide range of projects that investigate:
The TU Delft has complementary expertise on modelling mechanical and physical processes. Therefore, this collaboration is expected to generate new research opportunities and application areas for both parties.
In his new role Hans will be supervising students and use NRG expertise in academic education. Vice-versa, students will have opportunities to take part in research projects in Petten, and in this way be introduced to the interesting nuclear research programme at NRG.
For more information please contact
Cora Blankendaal
Press Officer